I've been testing our
PHP connector on
Ubuntu lately, so I thought I should tell all of you how I'm doing this. I know a lot of people prefer to run Linux on their desktop, but I don't have any boxes running Linux at home. What I do have is a server running
SmartOS, which makes it really easy to spin up new virtual machines with "any" operating system I'd like to test.
The first thing I do on my
SmartOS server is to create a manifest file for my new vm. This manifest file is a
JSON file describing the vm, and yesterday I was going to build on Ubuntu 12 so I created a file named
ubuntu12.json looking like this:
"brand": "kvm",
"vcpus": 1,
"autoboot": false,
"alias": "ubuntu12",
"ram": 1024,
"resolvers": [""],
"disks": [
"boot": true,
"model": "virtio",
"size": 10240
"nics": [
"nic_tag": "admin",
"model": "virtio",
"ip": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": ""
with that in place I created the virtual machine with the following command:
[root@smartos ~] # vmadm create -f ubuntu12.json
Successfully created 3d09ad09-e124-4b68-90fd-53c76f05dbc0
The next thing I did was to copy the Ubunto 12.10 installation iso file to /zones/3d09ad09-e124-4b68-90fd-53c76f05dbc0/root/cdrom.iso
, before I executed the following command:
[root@smartos ~] # vmadm boot 3d09ad09-e124-4b68-90fd-53c76f05dbc0 order=cd,once=d cdrom=/cdrom.iso,ide
This boots the vm and provides a "console" to the machine over
vnc. To figure out where to connect the vncviewer to complete the installation I executed:
root@smartos ~]# vmadm info 3d09ad09-e124-4b68-90fd-53c76f05dbc0 vnc
"vnc": {
"host": "",
"port": 39944,
"display": 34044
With my Ubuntu 12.10 installed the first thing I did was to install some extra packages:
trond@ubuntu12:~$ sudo wget -O/etc/apt/sources.list.d/couchbase.list http://packages.couchbase.com/ubuntu/couchbase-ubuntu1204.list
trond@ubuntu12:~$ wget -O- http://packages.couchbase.com/ubuntu/couchbase.key | sudo apt-key add -
trond@ubuntu12:~$ sudo apt-get update
trond@ubuntu12:~$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server php5-dev php5-cli libcouchbase2 libcouchbase2-libevent libcouchbase2-bin libcouchbase-dev
trond@ubuntu12:~$ wget -Orepo https://git-repo.googlecode.com/files/repo-1.19
trond@ubuntu12:~$ chmod a+x repo
trond@ubuntu12:~$ sudo cp repo /usr/bin
I can now build the php extension by running:
trond@ubuntu12:~$ mkdir compile
trond@ubuntu12:~$ cd compile
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile$ repo init -u git://github.com/trondn/manifests -m php.xml
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile$ repo sync
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile$ cd php
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ phpize
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ ./configure
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ make
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ cd tests
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php/tests$ cp couchbase.local.inc.dist couchbase.local.inc
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php/tests$ vi couchbase.local.inc
Now you should specify the hostname of your Couchbase cluster in COUCHBASE_CONFIG_HOST
, and clear (or specify correct values) for COUCHBASE_CONFIG_USER
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php/tests$ cd ..
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ make test
Depending on your cluster configuration you might encounter some test errors (the tests are unfortunately not written fully bullet proof). If you have a one-node cluster with a replica count set to 1, the following tests will fail (because they don't check for "inconsistent" configuration):
GetReplica - GetReplica [tests/phpt/GetReplica/GetReplica.phpt]
GetReplica - GetReplicaMulti [tests/phpt/GetReplica/GetReplicaMulti.phpt]
You can now install the driver by:
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ sudo cp modules/couchbase.so /usr/lib/php5/20100525
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ sudo cp example/couchbase.ini /etc/php5/cli/conf.d
And verify that it is properly installed by running:
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ php -i | grep couchbase
couchbase support => enabled
couchbase.compression_factor => 1.3 => 1.3
couchbase.compression_threshold => 2000 => 2000
couchbase.compressor => none => none
couchbase.durability_default_poll_interval => 100000 => 100000
couchbase.durability_default_timeout => 40000000 => 40000000
couchbase.instance.persistent => On => On
couchbase.restflush => On => On
couchbase.serializer => php => php
couchbase.view_timeout => 75 => 75
So let's go ahead and create a small test using our driver. Create the file test.php
with the following content:
try {
$cb = new Couchbase("mycluster");
print "Store foo: " . $cb->set("foo", "bar") . "\n";
print "Get foo: " . $cb->get("foo") . "\n";
} catch (CouchbaseException $e) {
And test it with the following command:
trond@ubuntu12:~/compile/php$ php test.php
Store foo: 14566767818228433408
Get foo: bar
Happy hacking!!!